Jouni in Twitter, finally (?)

I managed two years by tracking Twitter activity via RSS feeds. It’s grown more and more painful lately, so I finally got myself a real Twitter client, TweetDeck. And through the mandatory registration, I’m now @jouniheikniemi, for better or worse.

Given that I have absolutely no intention to start personal microblogging, feel free to follow me if you want more information of the sorts that gets posted here. I might tweet something, and at the very least WordPress will let the twitosphere know when I post something.

And yeah, this is going to be a week when the firehose is pretty full. Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference kicks off, with forthcoming information on Azure, Windows 7 and Office 2010. At least. is the place to be, then! The first keynote starts in 15 minutes…

Oh, and if you want a sneak preview on Office 2010, check out some of the video footage from Scobleizer and the screenshot gallery in ZDNet. In 24 hours or so, I guess we will have so much more available.

July 13, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
Posted in: General

One Response

  1. - May 23, 2016

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