Learning calendar for Microsoft developers 2009-2010

If you’re a developer on the Microsoft platform, you should enjoy your summer vacation. Given that Redmondians talk about the largest launch wave in their history ever, your brain ought to be well rested before the fall kicks off. In the following, I’ll outline a few themes that will be of interest to you in 2009-2010.

  • July 2009: Silverlight 3 is out. Don’t do web? It might still matter. Silverlight 3 provides a new offline application model, broadening the Silverlight’s applicability as a development platform.
    • Also worth watching: .NET RIA Services (née Alexandria), coming out in early 2010 but already somewhat usable. If RIA Services work well, they will make developing business applications on Silverlight considerably easier.
  • October 2009: Windows 7. If you don’t develop client software, this won’t matter a lot to you. But if you do, you will want to take a good look at the material posted in the Windows 7 for Developers blog. Depending on what you do, the simultaneously launching Windows Server 2008 R2 may also be of significance to you.
  • October 2009: Sharepoint Conference. If you’re not attending, watch the news. This is the spot where the information overload hits you. All NDAs and embargoes break with a crash as Microsoft exposes the features of Office 2010 Server components to the public. And again, you may not be developing for SharePoint, but understanding what’s within will certainly help you. The marketing rumble will be massive, again – and if you want to argue against using SharePoint, know thy enemy.
  • November 2009: PDC 2009. Windows Azure commercial launch. Likely a load of new things about Office 2010. But I don’t think Microsoft would bother to organize a PDC for this stuff. They wouldn't do one unless they wanted to talk about something new, which is why I recommend sparing some brain cycles for new things here.
  • Late 2009 (likely): Office 2010 beta. If you develop software for people who use Office, you will want to take a look. Office shapes the way people think about applications and user interfaces, and understanding how it works makes you a better developer.
  • Early 2010: Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0. Although we have no idea of the release dates, they are coming. And there is a lot to be read and toyed about. Beta 1 is out now, but you might well want to wait for later versions before you dive in.
  • Spring 2010: SQL Server 2008 R2. Although the announced feature set has so far focused on business intelligence, it’s likely to concern a broader audience as well. Besides, BI is becoming more common in the coming years, particularly with all the Office 2010 / SharePoint 2010 rush going on.

And no, I’m not saying you should focus on Microsoft-originated technology only. Keep tracking the broader world as well, publicize your findings and spread your knowledge! Social support helps avoid brain overload. :-)

July 22, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
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  1. Conscious Development » Blog Archive » Multi-competence required today - September 30, 2009

    […] Colleaque Jouni had a nice post about what you need to learn in coming year if you are a Microsoft developer. Another colleaque, […]

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