deep dive #6: Features of our custom CMS
In the last post, I touched on the choice of using a CMS product or writing your platform yourself. We picked the custom platform approach, and this time I’ll tell you what that led into.
What’s in a Content Management System?
Wikipedia defines CMS in a very clumsy and overgeneric way. Let’s not go there. Given my last post’s definitions on applications and sites, I’ll just list a few key tenets of a modern CMS:
- Administrators must be able to produce and publish content.
- The content will consist of text and images, which will be mixed relatively freely.
- The administrators must be able to define a page structure (and the URIs) for the content.
- Typically, the administrators must be able to maintain a navigation hierarchy and cross-linkage (tagging, “similar content” highlighting etc.) between the pages.
- The system must be ready to accept user feedback (comments, likes, whatever).
These are typical features for complex blog engines. Full-blown CMSes often add features like workflows, extensibility frameworks, versioning and whatever.
Dissecting Valio’s content
For Valio, we had two content sources: First, the actual database content derived from Valio systems (recipes, product information) and second, content produced and entered on the site level. Most pages rely mostly on either of the sources, but almost all contain pieces of the other type.
Case 1: The Recipe page
Let’s look into a typical recipe page with some annotations first (click for larger size):
There are four distinct regions marked in the image.
First, we have elements from the page template, the actual HTML. This contains everything that is not in a box in the image: There are fragments of template HTML here and there. For us, the template is technically a set of recursively contained MVC views and partial views. They take some structural metadata as a model and thus render the correct elements (including breadcrumb paths, possible highlight elements and so on).
Second, there is the recipe itself. In the Valio case, this is a typical example of “application data” – the recipes are imported from an internal LOB system designed specifically for recipe maintenance, and the actual recipe data has minimal editing tools on the site; the exception is the users’ ability to create and edit their own recipes, but that’s a slightly different scenario – and at any rate, it is a way to modify the business data, not maintain the site content.
Third, there are the recipe links on the right side of the page. These links are definitely a spot for maintenance: content editors are free to customize whatever is shown with each recipe. However, due to the volume of the data, hand-crafted maintenance cannot be the only option. Thus, we generate appropriate links automatically from business data whenever there are no more specific requirements. This is clearly an example of a CMS-style function, although with some business understanding thrown in.
Fourth, there is the commenting feature. This is standard user generated content, and most definitely a CMS-like element.
All in all, recipes are a very app-like thing from a content perspective, although with some CMS elements added, Consider this in the context of your own development work: How would you add features like this (commenting support, link generation, ability to customize the highlights)?
Before looking at our approach, let’s slice down a totally different kind of page.
Case 2: A product article
Articles represent the entirely other extreme from recipes: They are not apps in the sense that their content is entered mostly on the site.
Now, look at the article page image – a typical, albeit a very short, example of its kind. You’ll notice a couple of things: Basically, the page has a template (the unboxed parts). Also, it has two boxes, columns – or let’s just call them zones.
Why zones? Well, if you look closer at the article page (click to get a larger picture), you’ll notice that the zones are split by dashed lines. Those dashed lines represent individual fragments of content. We call them widgets.
Now, this sounds awful lot like a CMS – perhaps even SharePoint with its Web Parts and Web Part Zones. In fact, our CMS functionality is very similar. We have a couple of dozen different widgets, and you can drop and rearrange them into zones. Widgets can also be parameterized – some only trivially, others extensively.
Let’s quickly run over the widgets on the article to the right. On the main content zone, the first one is a picture widget. You can simply attach an image or several to it, and create either a static image or a gallery. The introduction text is just a text widget (very much a DHTML editor on the administrative end), but set to use a layout that renders the default text with the intro font.
Below that, there’s a short run of text – it’s another text widget, this time with another layout. And further down, there’s yet another widget: a recipe highlight. This one shows a specific, predefined recipe with a largish image and the key ingredients. The layout for the recipe highlight has been defined for the site, but the data is pure business data, not designed or edited for the site.
On the right-hand side, there’s a Link widget (the link to the “Piimät” category), an Article Highlight widget set to show three highlights – some of them may be editor-customized, while the rest are automatically filled by metadata-driven searches. Then there’s another recipe highlight, but with a very different layout from the one in the main zone. And finally, there’s a three-item Product Highlight widget.
The building blocks finally take shape
After explaining this all, let’s look at the big picture. Our key concept is a resource – you might more easily grasp it as a page. Each resource has a URI and some content.
Ok, but how is that content laid out? Each resource also has a type, and we have a few dozen of them. The most understandable ones are those like Recipe, ThemeArticle, Product and FrontPage. Each of these types defines a template, which consists of the two things: an HTML template that defines the raw markup plus the available zones, and a default set of content (prepopulated widgets in zones etc.). In addition to the template, the resource type also defines the code needed to execute a page – in practice, a controller.
A resource template contains a set of widgets for a typical layout scenario, but often writers will create additional widgets to flesh out the article: they’ll want to include sidebar elements, perhaps use product galleries, embed video or whatever.
App-like resources such as recipes are different. First of all, these resources are typically born when an integration task creates them. Suppose Valio devises a new recipe for a meat stew. As they enter it into their recipe database (an operative system beyond our control) and the publication time passes, the Recipe resource is automatically spawned. The resource is populated with the reference to the business entity (The New Stew), and product data such as ingredients and preparation instructions are properly shown.
But that’s not the end of the story. Even with these relatively self-sufficient app-like pages, the page still has widgets. Although the content editor only has limited influence in the app-driven part of the page, the right columns in particular are open to customization. The templates define these widgets as auto-populating: typically, “find three to five items that match current resource’s metadata”. But using the admin view, the content manager can define a custom search (ignoring the local metadata) or even specify the actual search results themselves. If the admin only wants to specify one thing to highlight, the rest can still be populated through automation.
Auxiliary features
The previously described elements take care of the main content production and editing workflows. Resources enable us to semi-seamlessly arrange together content from varying sources. But there is more to all these resources, and even this list isn’t extensive.
At one end, we have user participation and user-driven content production. For the sake of simplicity, let’s split this into two. First, there is the custom recipe editing, which is a huge topic in itself. In a nutshell, the recipe editor creates the business entities (recipies, ingredients etc.), whips up a new Recipe-type resource and links all these things together for display. The second, more approachable part is everything else: the ability to comment, like and vote on things. We record all this data – as well as popularity information such as view counts – per resource, allow moderation and content blocking on a resource level and so on.
Another additional feature provided by resources is the preview toolset. Each of the resources has a copy of itself created. Only content managers can see it, and it’s called the draft. In fact, you can’t even edit the published resources – you’ll always edit the draft. And then we have two actions to help further: Publish, which replaces the published version with a copy of the draft, and Revert, which replaces the draft with a copy of the public version.
As I write it, the features listed sound simple. In fact, they are, and they make up a reasonable usable CMS. That doesn’t, however, indicate triviality of implementation: there were quite a few difficult compromises made during the design process. From a purely technical standpoint, the system is very incomplete in terms of features and tools. From a practical usability and efficiency standpoint, I think we hit a pretty good medium: we catered to the key business needs without bloating the codebase (or the budget).
In a further post, I will finally cover the topic that originally drove me to write about the whole CMS design issue: the database implementation of resources. Yes @tparvi, I heard you, I just wanted to make sure I can focus on the technical specifics once we get there :-) Up next: Inheritance hierarchies, custom XML columns with NHibernate, and semi-reflected widget construction. Oh yes.
November 5, 2011
· Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
Tags: CMS, · Posted in: Web
One Response
Heikniemi Hardcoded » deep dive #7: The resource data storage model - November 19, 2011
[…] the previous post on how our CMS works on a concept level, it’s time to explain the technical details. Note that remembering the […]
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