A Windows Azure infographic (and some new blogging structure)
Windows Azure is now great. And please welcome Redmond Recap.
The substance
I have posted an infographic describing Windows Azure’s latest incarnation. (seriously, go check it out; it’s more info than graphic, but still!)
Umm where?
Then a short explanation on the posting forum. After living with my current blogging arrangements for the last 8 years, I have decided to spin off a new blog, Redmond Recap. It will focus on relevant real-world Microsoft-related product information – in other words, distributing the more abstract technical content I produce daily to support our clients in strategic and tactical issues. Redmond Recap will look more like a news site, but won’t be one; I don’t have time to maintain one, nor is there need. It aims at being a lightweight version of real technology strategy consulting, with carefully deliberated recommendations and ponderings.
This blog will remain in operation. I will use it to post notes of more personal (talks, produced material, project descriptions etc.) or specific (small-surface tips, tutorials etc.) nature. I hope these arrangements work to serve my rather diverse readership better – and also lower the bar for me to post minor notes here.
Feel free to follow Redmond Recap – in Twitter or RSS if you want.
June 18, 2012
Jouni Heikniemi ·
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Tags: Azure · Posted in: Cloud, General
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