Upcoming: SANKO Event on VS2013 tooling wave

If you’re a Finnish developer interested in Microsoft technology and tools of the trade in year 2013, you should join us at local Microsoft premises on 16th December for a free user group session.

We will cover a broad array of topics. Right now, the agenda looks like this:

  • An overview of the VS2013 wave, including recent changes such as Visual Studio Online and Xamarin co-operation
  • The new web developer stuff in VS2013, specifically VS Web Essentials
  • Visual Studio Online ALM features: tasksmanagement, testing and automated builds
  • Visual Studio Online Version control: Git vs. TFVC, version control as a deployment tool
  • Katana and the OWIN stack: Running ASP.NET outside the IIS stack
  • Visual Studio Online “Monaco” and App Insights

Registration is open! If you can understand Finnish, can you miss this?

December 3, 2013 В· Jouni Heikniemi В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: .NET, Misc. programming

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