A chart that justifies all the RIA hype (again)

There are web enthusiasts that consider Flash, Silverlight and friends nothing but an accessibility problem. I think there is plenty of potential in RIA technologies that we still haven’t experienced. Data visualization is definitely one of the top fields, and NY Times just posted a Flash chart that reminds me why. Check out the interactive […]

August 12, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · 2 Comments
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YouTube reminds me why Business Intelligence will rock

Business Intelligence, i.e. mining data from various sources and combining it to easily readable aggregate views, is coming fast. It’s coming because there is more and more data, but also because there is less and less time to interpret it properly. YouTube’s recent addition of video statistics reminds me of all this. Under many YouTube […]

July 23, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
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