Bing beats Google in finding me first PDC09 breakfast

It’s a coincidence I’ve been so Bing-oriented lately, but there will be other topics soon enough. Even at the risk of sounding like a Bing fanboy, I’ll post this. Good morning, LA! It’s 6 am and I haven’t been sleeping for a while now (ten hour jetlag doesn’t really help). So breakfast time is approaching […]

November 15, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · 5 Comments
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Bing Maps get more sensible licensing

There is a certain inclination to compare the map offerings of Google and Microsoft. Bing Maps still isn’t free, but is becoming more and more friendly to use, both from a technology perspective and a licensing one. It was recently announced on the Bing Maps blog that the terms of use would change. The key […]

November 10, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
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