Upcoming: SANKO Event on VS2013 tooling wave

If you’re a Finnish developer interested in Microsoft technology and tools of the trade in year 2013, you should join us at local Microsoft premises on 16th December for a free user group session. We will cover a broad array of topics. Right now, the agenda looks like this: An overview of the VS2013 wave, […]

December 3, 2013 · Jouni Heikniemi · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: .NET, Misc. programming

Upcoming: SANKO event on ADM code modeling & generation

The Finnish .NET User Group SANKO hasn’t been particularly active lately, much due to the busy schedules of potential speakers. But we’re back on the roll: On December 14th on 15:00-17:00 Finnish time, we’ll be having a session on an application modeling methodology called ADM. ADM is the brainchild of Finnish senior developer Kalle Launiala, […]

November 24, 2011 · Jouni Heikniemi · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Misc. programming

SANKO-tapahtuma: Funktionaalinen ohjelmointi ja F#

This post is an exception from the English majority of my writings. I will be summarizing the Finnish .NET User Group’s event on F# and functional programming, and will do it in Finnish. In summary, a great event! Neljäs SANKO-tapahtuma järjestettiin 9.6. ohjelmistoyhtiö Reaktorin tiloissa Helsingin keskustassa. Tuomas Hietanen ja Rami Karjalainen alustivat kertomalla kokemuksiaan […]

June 26, 2011 · Jouni Heikniemi · 169 Comments
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SANKO meeting on ORM tools, 2010-11-24

Finnish .NET Users Group SANKO will be meeting on 24th November in Leppävaara, Espoo, Finland in order to discuss the concept and details of object-relation mapping. In case you live in the Greater Helsinki Area, check this out! The agenda is as follows (all sessions in Finnish): 13:00 – 13:15 Welcome & What’s this SANKO? […]

November 19, 2010 · Jouni Heikniemi · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: .NET

Finnish .NET Developer User Group SANKO founded

Finland has had a distinctive lack of active, developer-oriented user groups. We want to fix this by coming up with a new one, called SANKO (Suomen Aktiivisten .NET-kehittäjien Kerho). Right now, SANKO operates without a formal basis – instead of bothering with a registered association and whatnot, we want to get down to the business. […]

May 18, 2010 · Jouni Heikniemi · 2 Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: .NET