Geolocation on the web

Did you know W3C has a draft specification for Geolocation API in browsers? In practice, that means a JavaScript call could discover your location. Does that really work? And if, how? There’s this site called, which plots your position on a Google Map. It also correctly answers the question of whether Geolocation API belongs […]

May 28, 2010 · Jouni Heikniemi · No Comments
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The Windows 7 chkdsk crash – and how would Linux have fared?

Stories of the Windows 7 showstopper bug with a chkdsk crash have been circulating. Newly appointed Windows President Steven Sinofsky was pretty conversational on the issue, and has now posted their notes on how crash reports get handled. Had it not been Microsoft, how would other vendors have managed? Unfortunately, Steven’s latest blog post is […]

August 10, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · 18 Comments
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ScriptLogic says Windows 7 is a bust – or wait…

A few days ago it was widely reported that 60% of companies were going to skip Windows 7. I had the gut feeling of seeing misinterpreted statistics, but didn’t find the time to uncover the thing. Thankfully Ed Bott did, and thus uncovered another classic example of statistics “interpretation”. Ed’s post sums it up pretty […]

July 14, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · One Comment
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Internet Explorer bundling issue resolved with force – what now?

Just a couple of days ago I wrote on the European Commission’s attempt to dislodge IE from Windows. It would appear Microsoft’s recent unbundling move made things a whole lot more interesting. Yesterday’s key announcement was that Windows 7 would be shipped as “E” versions ("Windows 7 Home Premium E” and such) in Europe. The […]

June 12, 2009 · Jouni Heikniemi · 2 Comments
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